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 “Boris Glikman’s stories have impressed and amused me ever since I first encountered them. They’re quirky, distinctive and thought-provoking and invariably reward second and third readings. In the way he combines the real with the surreal, the mundane with the bizarre, you can see his appreciation of Kafka, but notwithstanding the importance of this influence his work is never derivative. In creating his highly individual brand of fiction, Boris weaves together his considerable scientific knowledge, his penchant for fantasy, and his desire to cast an oblique, idiosyncratic light on the human condition. The resulting fabric is colourful, its texture a delight. In 2015, one of my short stories appeared in the same anthology (blue Crow Magazine Issue Four) as one of Boris’s. To see my work in such company was an honour. But I wouldn’t try to write like him; I couldn’t.”


Mark P. Henderson ~ Author, Editor, Storyteller John Beck ~ Editor, Being Human Magazine (USA)



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